I have an over-achiever’s mind in an under-achiever’s body...
I live because this disease will not win!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Pictures after the tumor removal surgery

Left foot, 1 tumor removed

Right foot, 3 tumors removed

Right foot again

Left foot again

Left foot again, Very obvious color change

   The surgery was done April 21, 2010. By August I was diagnosed with CRPS and Raynaud's Phenomenon. Aside from the distinctive symptoms, I had a bone scan done to help confirm the diagnosis. You would think I might be really angry at the doctor who performed the surgery or regret the surgery altogether, but that's not the case. Thing is, CRPS is not necessarily caused by a mistake of any kind and there's not a particular cause for it. It truly is something that just happens after trauma sometimes. I do not blame my surgeon at all. Also, I do not regret having the surgery, though the repercussions have been terrible. The tumors could have been cancerous, which if left untreated, can spread & even be fatal. There was no way to know if they were until they were removed and biopsied. The tumors were also getting so large that I couldn't wear shoes other than flip-flops and could barely walk. I was also losing feeling in my feet so bad that I almost fell once at work. I needed to have the surgery, hands down. Now, rather than dwell on what might have been, I will focus on facing the future & dealing with the cards I've been dealt - conquering one day at a time!


  1. Hi there! I just came across your blog after looking at the RSD Mothers and mother wannabes on FB. I'm a wannabe, at 27 years old, trying to picture life pregnant with CRPS.

    These pictures struck a nerve with me (no pun intended) because on the exact area that you had your tumor removed, I had a mass on my foot that had to be removed after a series of 4 foot/feet surgeries to fix my flat feet. Now, my CRPS pain radiates from that very spot on both feet, but is much worse in my left foot in that area. It's been nearly 2 years since my last surgery and the color is still purplish. Anyway, just thought I'd share.:)


  2. Hi!Thanks for the comment!I am very much a wannabe mother, but every time I think we might try, my CRPS flares up terribly & it reminds us why we shouldn't.
    You're the first person I've talked to that has had a similar story! What kind of mass did they remove? Mine were fatty tumors. My left is worse as well. How far up does your pain travel? My has spread completely up my legs into my hips and back now. So sorry you have to go through this too; it has been the hardest 2 years of my life. I've been to 16 specialists in these 2 years with mixed diagnoses and finally I think most are agreeing now. I wish you well & love advice or anything you want to share!
